Friday, December 19, 2014

Training with my dogs is Priceless Day 5

December 19, 2014-

Okay, so it's Day 5! Of my training with my dogs......I'm slowly coming up with more dog exercises to share with you in the new year, so stay tuned for that.....

I've been working out with all my dogs in the meantime, be it Doga, Pupilates, Running, Walking, whatever....Swiss Ball name it! You can do so much with your dog....Oh, and I gotta say you can even be in the kitchen with your dogs and be healthier than ever there! So get ready for some new and wonderful recipes coming up in the new year!......

In the meantime, Scout and I are training for a long run coming up in the Spring, the exact date will be a weekend, and I believe it will be around May 3-4.........We will head from our home out east.......

Sample map......
The idea is to stick to 25A for the course......and go as far as the end of 25A is a total of 65 miles......but we could end at about 47 miles at a relatives house!......And all this would be for charity! To benefit one or two charities I strongly believe in!

Ok, Scout and I need to get out and run, but not after Skyler, Sandy, Candycane, and myself do our workouts at home.....hey, warming up before hitting the cold temps really helps! That's a great tips for the day!....Warmup with a workout before hitting the cold temps outside (and cool off slowly while allowing your run to warm you up outdoors!)

And don't forget to check out my book on

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